Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello From Wisconsin!

Date Placed: June 13, 2010
Letterbox: Traditional
Carver: cervidae
Logbook: cervidae
Planters: GreenJello and Teancum
Location: Pine Canyon Conservation Area, Tooele, Tooele, Utah
Status: Active

This is part of the "Hello From The United States!" series of boxes.

Looking for deer? I know a place where they are abundantly present, especially around dusk.

Directions: From Main Street, turn east on 400 North. Proceed approximately 3 miles (if you reach the Gun Club, you've gone too far!) Set off the road to your left will be a wooden information sign board and gate shaped like a V. Going through the gate will put you into the Pine Valley Conservation and Wildlife Management Area.

From the information sign, sight the tree at 300 degrees. Walk 50 steps to reach this tree. Move to the opposite side of the tree and sight an almost circular copse of trees at 310 degrees. Walk 40 steps to reach these trees. In the center of them, under a flat rock, is a deer hiding from you.

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